Guangzhou to Yiwu
Normally, its has 5 direct flights from Guangzhou to Yiwu.
- CZ3727 Departure 08:05 AM–09:55 AM Arrive
- CZ3883 Departure 10:40 AM–12:40 AM Arrive
- CZ3795 Departure 13:40 AM–15:35 AM Arrive
- CZ3309 Departure 16:50 AM–18:45 AM Arrive
- CZ3886 Departure 21:50 AM–23:45 AM Arrive
Normally, its has 8 direct trains from Guangzhou to Yiwu.
- K528 Departure 07:45AM–00:59AM Arrive(Next morning)
- K512 Departure 10:55AM–04:40AM Arrive(Next morning)
- G1302 Departure 11:22AM–18:11AM Arrive
- G1304 Departure 13:24AM–20:15AM Arrive
- T170 Departure 14:55AM–05:11AM Arrive(Next morning)
- G1306 Departure 15:39AM–21:42AM Arrive
- G1404 Departure 15:39AM–21:42AM Arrive
- K210 Departure 20:35AM–12:02AM Arrive(Next morning)
Normally, its has 3 buses from Guangzhou to Yiwu which takes 12-13hours.
- Departure from Guangzhou Tianhe bus station at 16:10pm
- Departure from Guangzhou Tianhe bus station at 18:20pm
- Departure from Guangzhou South Yuexiu bus station at 18:30pm
It takes 30-50 rmb by taxi from Yiwu Airport/Yiwu station to Yiwu market/hotel
according to the time and location.,just for your reference.By the way,Our company can offer free pick up for our customers.If any need welcome to contact Deputy Director Mr.Micheal 0086 15906791672.